Getting Started
I'm finally getting started with my blog. Well not exactly getting started, I am midstream building my profile and business has a fine artist. Getting started with a Blog is one of the many things on my list to accomplish in this journey. Allow me to start by introducing myself. My name is Susanna Salim, I have been painting and making arts and crafts for most of my life. There's so many things about my journey as an artist that I would like to share about but starting from the beginning just seems so far displaced from where I am today. So I decided to just jump in talk about what I'm doing today and filter in my stories from the past for future blogs. I'm really excited about finally completing this cute little Studio that started out as a storage shed. I realized the space was large enough to include a studio for painting. This prompted me to go through my storage items and get rid of as much stuff as I could so I would have more space for creating art. I am the ...